Every now and then, amongst all of the physical puzzlers and endless-runners that tumble into our inboxes, something genuinely interesting arrives. Back in June we heard about Square Enix's plans to release an action rhythm fighting game called Demons' Score, which would, we were told, be "a breakbeat action game that seamlessly fuses music and battles". It's safe to say our ears pricked up.
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This Unreal Engine-powered game tells the story of a girl called Serenity, who sets out to track down her missing father at his laboratory. Unfortunately, when she gets her hands on the Demons' Score program, she finds herself possessed by demons before ending up in the depths of hell, doing battle against waves of enemies, fights that are matched to a selection of thumping soundtracks.
Here's how the actual combat works. Dials of all sizes appear around the screen in quick succession, while an icon circles each one. Once the icon completes its rotation, you need to tap the screen just as it hits the 12 o'clock position, or swipe your finger if you're challenged to use your sword. There's a fantastic mix of other abilities built on top of this core gameplay: rapid double-tapping, tracing lines across the screen in time to the music and so on.
To read more, please visit Modojo.
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