Hillary Clinton took the fall for the deadly Embassy attacks in Benghazi that left Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans dead.
Twitter is abuzz with other suggestions of what Clinton should take responsibility for, but we thought it was only fair to remind the world (AKA the Internet) of some of Clinton's better, or at least funnier, moments.
Here, our top 11 Hillary memes and moments — these dark days will pass, Hil.
1. Texts From Hillary
Who could forget the insta-sensation "Texts from Hillary" memes? Here, one of our favorites, featuring none other than Vice Prez and resident grinner, Joe Biden.
2. Hillary meets TFH creators Stacy Lambe and Adam Smith

Ever the jokester, Hillary went that extra mile to invite the men behind Texts from Hillary to the State Department. She looks like she's having way more fun than they are.
3. Watch Out
Hillary, did you make this face KNOWING it was going to become a meme? Really.
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