- Exotic weapons are the best part of "Destiny 2," Bungie's sci-fi first-person shooter for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
- Exotic weapons are unique, powerful, and extremely rare. You can only wield one at a time.
- We've compiled the complete list of exotic weapons you can obtain in "Destiny 2," and ranked them based on utility for various "Destiny 2" activities.
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46. The Jade Rabbit

Type: Scout rifle
How to obtain: Random reward
Exotic perk:“The Fate of All Fools - Chain body shots to gain bonus damage on your next precision shot and return ammo to the magazine.”
Two cents: The Jade Rabbit is not a very good exotic option in "Destiny 2." Scout rifles are generally weaker guns in the game right now, but Jade Rabbit also suffers from a slow rate of fire and an exotic perk that's useful in only some situations.
45. Skyburner’s Oath

Type: Scout rifle
How to obtain: Random reward
Exotic perk:“Slug Rifle - This weapon fires Solar slugs that get stronger when aiming down sights.”
Two cents: Skyburner's Oath got an update earlier this year to make its projectiles track targets when you fire from the hip, but even with that tweak, it's still a pretty weak, slow-firing gun that's outclassed by many other weapons in the game.
44. Borealis

Type: Sniper rifle
How to obtain: Random reward
Exotic perk:“The Fundamentals - Holding the reload button changes this weapon's damage type, cycling between Solar, Arc and Void.”
Two cents: Borealis is a great option if you need to take out lots of enemy shields, but there are better snipers on this list.
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